'Superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor with multi tunnel junctions'
Nadia Ligato, NEST CNR-Nano, Italy
Art award
'Fall from grace'
Alex Drayton / University of York, United Kingdom
'Self-rolling beam tubes'
Rui Pinto / INESC MN, Portugal
'Individual plasmonic helix for probing light chirality'
Roland Salut (collaborators:Mengjia Wang, Miguel Angel Suarez, Huihui Lu, Nicolas Martin, Thierry Grosjean) / FEMTO-ST Institute, France
'Single-crystal diamond optomechanical cavities'
Matthew Mitchell / University of Calgary, Canada
Micrograph Award
The RAITH micrograph award gives all RAITH users the opportunity to share their interesting results and attractive micrographs with the larger international user community, while earning the chance to win a free trip to a conference of their choice!