Multifunctional system family for maximum versatility


For the broadest range of applications, the multifunctional EBL system family comprises three distinct products. Relying on the ultrahigh-resolution electron optical column, each offers dedicated e-beam lithography and excellent imaging capabilities. However, they also come with their individual specificities and laser interferometer stage sizes.

PIONEER, with its dedicated RT-stage, has been designed in a “write and view configuration”, making it the ideal e-beam writer / SEM hybrid, whereas E-LINE, with by far the most nanoengineering hardware options, represents the “Swiss army knife of nanofabrication”. With a thermocover and an automated load lock, RAITH150 offers the highest degree of stability and automation for wafer-scale exposures.

Key features

  • Gemini-technology based ultra-high resolution electron optical column
  • Single digit nm resolution for EBL
  • Highest precision laser interferometer stage (2-inch, 4-inch, or 6-inch travel range)
  • Various detectors for SEM imaging / metrology and analysis
  • Wide range of nanoengineering options
  • RAITH Nanosuite system control software

A true bestseller in academia


As the system category for the Gemini-based EBL systems already indicates, there is no other EBL system in the world that combines state-of-the-art SEM imaging and analysis, metrology and further nanoengineering capabilities with its EBL functionalities.

Flexibility and versatility

RAITH multifunctional systems come with the RAITH Nanosuite offering ultimate flexibility and versatility to enable the broadest range of applications and specific workflow customization.

Modularity and upgradability

Whatever new and future research trends may be like, the RAITH multifunctional system can be upgraded on site at any time to address new application challenges.


All you need to cope with your application specific requirements

Designed for automated exposure operations
The proprietary Digital RAITH Nanosuite control software, with its various modules, is the most comprehensive and fully integrated nanolitho­graphy software available.

GDSII CAD layout editor

The integrated professional layout design editor/viewer eliminates the need for third-party software, streamlining data import and conversion processes.

Mix and Match capabilities

Whether your application involves contacting nanoscaled features, automatic mark recognition for perfect overlay, multilevel lithography, or combining different lithography techniques, the RAITH Nanosuite delivers adequate functionalities and workflows.

Full exposure job automation & customization

System operators can control all system functionalities and exploit its capabilities from a single software platform, eliminating the need to exchange data between different programs.

Dedicated imaging and metrology functionality

As a lithographer, you want to expose your sample and also verify your design. To ensure that your sample’s structures meet the dimensionality of the original design, the Digital RAITH Nanosuite offers comprehensive imaging and metrology capabilities.

True multi-user environment

RAITH Nanosuite offers more than Windows Explorer – like data administration. User authentication is required for logging in, and different user levels allow access to specific sensitive system parameters. Each user finds the system as they left it and doesn’t interfere with others.

Proximity effect correction

RAITH Nanosuite ensures physics are considered throughout integrated proximity effect corrections. Complex electron interactions in resist and in the sample sometimes require comprehensive optimization of local dose distribution. The integrated proximity effect correction ensures highest pattern fidelity when applied to original GDSII design and can simulate 3D resist profiles.

3D / grayscale lithography

Knowing the resist contrast curve is essential for properly transferring equidistant gray levels into your resist. The RAITH Nanosuite supports resist contrast curve data import and calculates appropriate local dose distribution accordingly.

GDSII-Patterning on Image

RAITH Nanosuite can acquire an image and directly overlay a GDSII design onto it without the need for time-consuming overlay or mark recognition procedures. This can drastically speed up nanocontacting applications, and deposition or milling jobs.

Continuous and stitch-error-free patterning modes

RAITH is the only company that offers patterning modes based on RAITH proprietary FBMS- and MBMS-technology, where the stage is continuously moving during an exposure and is following a pre-defined path, thus avoiding stitching errors.
100 person-years of software programming

Technical data

< 1.6 nm
World’s smallest beam diameter
< 5 nm
Line width in EBL
up to 8-inch
Sample handling
Application focus

Load lock
Automated laser height sensing
Automated in-situ piezo
height levelling
Stage z-travel
Thermal / acoustic shield
Nanoengineering options

Continuous patterning modes

small sample exposures
(2-inch max.)
option (manual)

30 mm
gas injection


in-lens SE, ET-SE (standard),
in-lens BSE, HD post-lens BSE,
EDX (optional)
chip sized exposures
(4-inch max.)
option (manual)

30 mm
gas injection, nanomanipulators,
nanoprofilometer, heat-cool-stage,
cryostage, …

in-lens SE, ET-SE (standard),
in-lens BSE, HD post-lens BSE,
EDX, CL (optional)
automatic wafer exposures
(6-inch max., 8-inch handleable)
standard (fully automated)

20 mm
gas injection


in-lens SE, ET-SE (standard),
in-lens BSE, HD post-lens BSE,
EDX (optional)
Are you interested in more details and insights?
PIONEER Product Brochure (.pdf)
E-LINE Product Brochure (.pdf)
RAITH150 Product Brochure (.pdf)
Application pattern

Bringing applications to perfection

Sub 5 nm lines in HSQ e-beam resist J. Yang, D. Morecroft, M. Mondol, K. Berggren, MIT, and J. Klingfus, Raith USA
Dense devices: 1kB crosspoint RRAM Sunghyun Jo, University of Michigan, USA
Advanced EBL: Photonic crystal structure in membrane (un-deretched) William Whelan-Curtin, University of St. Andrews, UK
Metallic lateral spin valves F. Casanova et al., CIC nanoGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain
Precise neurite guidance by nanogratings Laboratorio NEST Pisa, Nano Lett. 2011, 11, 505-511
Nanoprobing of freely suspended Pt-nanowire, deposited on gold contact pads with EBID
EBID-Deposit nanoprofilometry for growth rate determination
3D nanosculpturing by electron beam induced deposition (EBID)
Imaging with BSE detector for chemical element contrast identification

RAITH offers integrated solutions that increase performance and create market opportunities. In any production environment.

Our customers are excited with their experiences using our products. They emphasize the precision, versatility, and reliability of our multifunctional EBL system series, highlighting how it has improved their approach to nanotechnology and advanced electronics manufacturing.
Dr. Javier Cambiasso working with eLINE Plus at the Imperial College London.

eLINE Plus at the Imperial College London, Dr. Javier Cambiasso

“We have been using RAITH eLINE for the last 8 years, and yet we bought a second one (in fact two more, one for our group at Imperial College  London and one for our new group […]

Graham Gibson using PIONEER by RAITH at Queen's University.

PIONEER at Queen’s University, Graham Gibson

“NanoFabrication Kingston, the micro/nanofabrication facility at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, opened in 2015 with a RAITH PIONEER as its cornerstone tool. Since then, users […]

Prof. Dr. Laura Na Liu using eLINE Plus at the University of Stuttgart, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart.

eLINE Plus at the University of Stuttgart, Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research, Stuttgart, Prof. Dr. Laura Na Liu

“Our group has been using the RAITH eLINE Plus at different affiliations for several years and we are still amazed by its outstanding performance. The unequaled versatility has […]

RAITH IONLINE and E-LINE Plus used at university of stuttgart in germany, marked on a grey map.

ionLINE Plus and eLINE Plus at the University of Stuttgart, Prof. Dr. Harald Gießen

“Our institute is focused on research in the field of ultrafast nanooptics. High quality and reproducible EBL is essential for the fabrication of nanopatterns for plasmonic structures and […]

To find out which configuration best suits your needs, get in touch with us.
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