
RAITH Company Downloads
A broad selection of PDF downloads is available to provide a better understanding or more information on specific subjects. Whether you aim to find more details of a specific nanofabrication system, see what impressive nanofabrication applications have been accomplished by our customers using a RAITH system, or get the latest news from RAITH, or read a scientific publication. You will find PDFs for your needs in the following categories.

Brochures and flyers

Download our product information
CHIPSCANNER Product Brochure (.pdf)
IONMASTER brochure (.pdf)
PICOMASTER XF Product Flyer (.pdf)
PICOMASTER Product Flyer (.pdf)
VELION Product Brochure (.pdf)
RAITH150 Product Brochure (.pdf)
E-LINE Product Brochure (.pdf)
PIONEER Product Brochure (.pdf)
ELPHY Product Brochure (.pdf)
VOYAGER Product Brochure (.pdf)
EBPG Plus Series System Product Brochure (.pdf)
RAITH Product Portfolio Brochure (.pdf)
Download our company information
RAITH Service Brochure (.pdf)
RAITH Company Brochure (.pdf)
Download our technology information
RAITH Nanofabrication and SEM Instrument Technologies Brochure (.pdf)

Application notes

Our customers work described in application notes
Application note: Device trimming of photonic integrated circuits through efficient combination of EBL and FIB (.pdf)
An advanced fabrication techniques combing EBL and FIB can perfect integrated photonic circuits for cutting-edge applications. This application note explores precise post-fabrication tuning using RAITH's electron beam lithography and focused ion beam patterning. Learn how to correct fabrication imperfections with sub-picometer accuracy for optimized photonic devices, revolutionizing data interconnects, sensors, AI accelerators, and quantum technologies.
Application Note: Efficient volume production of periodic nanostructures (.pdf)
Many applications in photonics, optoelectronics, displays, biosensors, etc. involve covering large areas with periodic nanostructures. To complement serial EBL writings, this application note describes the combination of an electron beam lithography system and photolithography system to efficiently fabricate periodic nanostructures over large areas with high precision and high throughput.
Application Note: Automated nanocontacting of randomly distributes 1D and 2D materials (.pdf)
Transforming randomly distributed 1D and 2D material into functional devices with the help of SEM mapping and innovative offline data preparation for direct-write lithography.
Application Note: Enabling sub-nm 3D metrology inside an Electron Beam Lithography (EBL) tool by integration of an in-situ atomic force microscope (AFM)
For determination and control of material growth/etching rates or surface topography, an in-situ AFM inside a nanoengineering tool is the ideal complement to the 2D imaging capabilities of a Raith EBL tool. This application note shows how the integration of an AFM into an eLINE Plus adds 3D metrology to the nanoengineering system and exceeds the capability of traditional EBL tools in terms of e.g. 3D surface topography analysis for nanolithography on non-planar surfaces.
Application Note: Electrical in-situ Characterization of Au/Ni/Au-Nanowires with Nanomanipulators (.pdf)
Efficient alternative to traditional methods for electrical characterization of nanowires, utilizing in-situ measurements for quicker and more effective results compared to typical probing stations.
Application Note: Ion beam lithography for Fresnel zone plate fabrication in gold on membranes (.pdf)
Fresnel zone plates are widely used as diffractive-based focusing elements in X-ray microscopy, achieving resolutions down to 25 nm. While they are typically prepared by EBL, this application note shows how the fabrication of zone plates by a dedicated FIB nanofabrication system (RAITH ionLINE) is able to significantly reduce the fabrication steps while still deliver the necessary high resolution.
Application Note: Sub-nm pitch control of stitching-error-free millimeter-long periodic structures (.pdf)
Modulated Beam Moving Stage (MBMS) technology enables the fabrication of periodic structures like distributed feedback (DFB) gratings and photonic crystal waveguides.
Application Note: Continuous electron beam lithography writing mode for optical waveguide nanofabrication (.pdf)
Fixed Beam Moving Stage (FBMS) exposure technology can be used to fabricate perfect stitching-error-free arrayed couplings and tapered waveguides up to several millimeters in length.
Application Note: Photonic circuits for on-chip quantum optics (.pdf)
EBPG is utilized to develop an on-chip approach with integrated optics for quantum computing, facilitating secure communication and the simulation of complex systems.
Application Note: Organic Ice Resist (.pdf)
As compared to traditional nanopatterning methods like EBL or other e-beam based alternatives such as FEBID and ice lithography, the newly discovered method using “organic ice resist” (OIR) opens new possibilities for nanopatterning. The application note explains the advantages of negative-tone direct-write OIR processes which eliminate the solvent development and drying required for EBL, thus allowing for further sample processing either in situ or ex situ.
Application Note: Sketch & Peel (.pdf)
A standard adhesive tape can help overcome the relatively slow patterning speed of direct FIB milling. The Application Note explains the new sketch & peel approach in detail and also investigates the change in outcome when using different ion species. Learn how simple adhesive tape can help you increase your throughput up to several orders of magnitude compared to usual FIB milling.
Application Note: Metalens Fabrication (.pdf)
Algorithmic pattern preparation for metalens fabrication achieves high throughput, bypassing design layout conversion, ensuring precision.
Application Note: Advanced gallium-free TEM lamella preparation using VELION FIB-SEM (.pdf)
High quality TEM lamellae are crucial for high-resolution TEM characterization. Using a vertical FIB column with multiple ion species for TEM sample prep yields many advantages. ThIs application note highlights how to use VELION’s unique features to advance the quality of TEM investigations and to optimize TEM lamella prep for a wider range of materials.


Get detailed information and research with our newest white paper.
Whitepaper: nanoFIB column (.pdf)
Lean how to utilize RAITH’s nanoFIB column with its long-term stable ion beam current at lowest position drift and lowest beam tails to advance FIB nanofabrication to the level of a lithography system. The Whitepaper describes the state-of-the-art focused ion beam column technology and its key strengths to achieve cutting-edge application results.
Whitepaper: FIB-SEM nanofabrication (.pdf)
Learn how to benefit from resistless FIB nanofabrication and how to get access to a wide range of applications which are beyond the reach of common FIB-SEM and EBL instruments. The Whitepaper highlights typical applications that can be addressed with VELION, such as 3D nanostructures at once over mm length, FIB hard masking of large area patterns and many more.
Whitepaper: Multiple ion species for FIB with IonSelect (.pdf)
Learn how the unique IONselect technology gives you the chance to utilize light or heavy and swift or slow ions from universal ion sources. Immediate switching between different ions paves the ways for new lithography process pathways. The Whitepaper describes the innovative source technology of Raith’s nanoFIB column with IONselect and its availability of various ions for FIB nanofabrication.
Whitepaper: GaBiLi – the next generation FIB source for 2D and 3D ion imaging (.pdf)
Find out how to get high-resolution 2D and 3D images of your sample, utilizing light and heavy ions from the same source for ion microscopy. The Whitepaper describes the functionality and benefits of the multiple-ion-species FIB column in combination with a mature lithography platform to easily achieve precise 3D sample reconstruction.

Scientific publications

Download our scientific publications
Scientific publication: Essential Knowledge Briefing Guide: FIB Nanofabrication (.pdf)
The EKB was originally published by Wiley, Microscopy and Analysis
Scientific publication: A Reverse Engineering Approach for Imaging Neuronal Architecture – Large-Area, High-Resolution SEM imaging (.pdf)
This article was originally published in Microscopy Today, Volume 24, Issue 05, September 2016, pp 28-33. Thanks to Microscopy Today and Cambridge University Press for permission to distribute this article.
Scientific publication: Comparison of technologies for nano device prototyping with a special focus on ion beams: A review (.pdf)
Please note, this article is published in Applied Physics Reviews Open Access under the CC-BY license
Scientific publication: Nanofabrication using focused ion beams (.pdf)
This article first appeared in the March 2018 issue of Microscopy & Analysis magazine

Tech notes

Download our laser lithography tech notes
Tech Note: Front Side Alignment (.pdf)
Tech Note: Back Side Alignment (.pdf)
Tech Note High Resolution Mode (.pdf)

Safety data sheets

Download our safety data sheets
Sicherheitsdatenblatt PMMA Developer
Safety Data Sheet PMMA Stopper
Safety Data Sheet HSQ Developer
Sicherheitsdatenblatt PMMA Stopper
Sicherheitsdatenblatt HSQ Developer
Safety Data Sheet PMMA Developer

Press releases

Download our press releases
RAITH acquires Xnovo Technology ApS, expanding expertise in advanced imaging and AI solutions
RAITH acquires 4PICO Litho to expand its nanofabrication portfolio by Laser Beam Lithography
RAITH GmbH successfully certified under ISO 9001:2015
New Corporate Vision and Mission
4PICO Litho is now RAITH Laser Systems B.V.
New Co-CEO at RAITH Group


RAITH Logo Kit (.zip)
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