The RAITH micrograph award allows all RAITH users to share their interesting results and attractive micrographs with the larger international user community; while earning the chance to win a free trip to a conference of their choice!
To participate in the award, you should submit up to three micrographs of applications showing nanostructures that were created using a RAITH system or lithography attachment. Multiple submissions are welcomed, provided that each submission covers a different application and the micrographs within a submission all cover the same application. Please note that each single submission requires a new registration.
In addition to your address details, you should submit a description of your micrograph as well as a brief overview of your scientific motivation.
Unlike other similar awards, the main criterion for winning is the work behind the image. Of course, the appeal of the image will be taken into consideration as well, but all submissions are mainly judged based on:
- Uniqueness of the nanostructure
- Technical quality of the image
- Description of micrograph