Expanding Frontiers in Nanostructuring: Leveraging eLINE Plus at the University of Stuttgart and Max-Planck-Institute for Solid State Research

“Our group has been using the RAITH eLINE Plus at different affiliations for several years and we are still amazed by its outstanding performance. The unequaled versatility has allowed us to realize complex nanostructure designs and pursue novel research directions with completely different nanofabrication demands. Without the universal nanostructuring tool, we would never have published several of our latest papers related to plasmonics.

The EBL system has enabled us to reproducibly fabricate a large variety of metallic nanostructures ranging from single entities to complex arrangements of plasmonic nanostructures – so-called metamaterials and metasurfaces – with unprecedented optical properties. Particularly in the fabrication of nanostructures on large scales, reproducible and stitching-free patterning is essential to maintain optical functionality, e.g. switchable holography, lensing etc. A precise and reliable overlaying technique, as achievable with the RAITH eLINE Plus system, is crucial as well.

High-resolution nanofabrication as provided by the RAITH eLINE Plus is essential for generation of plasmonic colors originating from specially shaped and arranged ensembles of nanoparticles. Nanostructures with non-reproducible or non-reliable shapes and dimensions easily reduce the overall coloration performance, e.g. the brilliance, of nano- and microprints or even micro-animations and micro-videos. Similar performance losses are observed for inaccurately placed nanostructures, e.g. due to imperfect stitching. Effects which we have never observed for nanostructures fabricated with the RAITH eLINE system.

Besides the intuitive software handling, which allows for flexible control by the user, we highly appreciate the excellent support and service with short response times. Urgent questions were answered immediately by service technicians with high expertise.”

SEM image of metasurfaces
SEM image of metasurfaces with PMMA

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