The EBPG stands as RAITH’s benchmark system. Achieving reliable and repeatable results with utmost precision to ensure high device yields on various substrates has been a major design criterion for the EBPG. In this context, the EBPG is most suitable for production environments, industrial R&D, and centers of excellence with ultimate requirements for dedicated and uncompromised EBL in all performance dimensions.
Key features
- Robust 100 kV column technology
- High-resolution lithography below 5 nm
- Automated wafer and multi-sample exposures
- Automated exposure parameter switching and calibration, allowing seamless and stable switching between high throughput (highest beam current 350 nA) and high resolution mode
- World’s best overlay accuracy
- Extremely fast stage with very low settling times
- Automated 2- or 10-holder airlock
- Fast and error-free sample alignment
- Advanced fracturing modes (shapes) for lowest line-edge roughness and highest pattern fidelity
- Highly efficient data processing
- Easy-to-learn graphical user interface and terminal interface for scripting
- Secure multi-user environment with different access levels
The holistic EBPG design meets the diverse performance requirements for advanced nanolithography
Maximum throughput
With full system automation, highest beam currents, fast stage and beam deflection, the EBPG Plus enables users to achieve more in less time, optimizing productivity in nanofabrication processes.
Unrivaled precision
Offering high-resolution lithography below 5 nm and advanced fracturing modes for superior line-edge roughness, the system ensures precise patterning crucial for cutting-edge applications in industrial R&D and academic research.
Seamless integration and scalability
The system’s modular design allows for easy integration into existing workflows and offers field upgradability, ensuring that it can adapt to evolving research needs and technological advancements, providing long-term value for both industrial and academic environments.
Software – Digital RAITH Beams
All you need as an interface for professional electron beam lithography
Secure multi-user environment
Digital RAITH Beams controls the system and continuously monitors its status for the EBPG. Built on Linux, it offers both command-line interfaces and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) for all essential system interactions, including job preparation and execution, system calibration, monitoring, and testing.
Overall graphical interface Cebpg
Cebpg displays the full scope of EBPG control and monitoring capabilities in a clear, single GUI. It offers a comprehensive cockpit and allows the user to easily navigate through the EBL workflow.
Exposure job preparation Cjob
Cjob represents the workflow from pattern design import to exposure parameter assignment, sample and sample holder selection, and the final exposure launch. All functions are graphically displayed.
Cview pattern inspection
To avoid errors in job preparation, the pattern can be displayed as it will be exposed on the sample prior to job execution – whether it is simply to check that the beam excels at shot placement within a single design element or the chip distribution on the entire wafer.
True multi-user management system
Every user has to log in and authenticate themselves. The user management system ensures each user accesses only their own environment, preventing interference with others, as system data and parameters are tied exclusively to their account.
100 person-years of software programming
Technical Data
Direct write performance with
overlay accuracy
overlay accuracy
≤ 5 nm
Stable large-area writing
with stitching accuracy
with stitching accuracy
≤ 8 nm
Beam current up to
350 nA
Footprint, electronics,
electron optics, pattern
generator, main
performance specifications
electron optics, pattern
generator, main
performance specifications
Stage size
Max. # of 3-inch wafers
(with 10-holder airlock)
(with 10-holder airlock)
Laser interferometer resolution
Thermo-calibration system
Positional drift
Are you interested in more details and insights?
Application note: Device trimming of photonic integrated circuits through efficient combination of EBL and FIB (.pdf)
An advanced fabrication techniques combing EBL and FIB can perfect integrated photonic circuits for cutting-edge applications. This application note explores precise post-fabrication tuning using RAITH's electron beam lithography and focused ion beam patterning. Learn how to correct fabrication imperfections with sub-picometer accuracy for optimized photonic devices, revolutionizing data interconnects, sensors, AI accelerators, and quantum technologies.
Application Note: Efficient volume production of periodic nanostructures (.pdf)
Many applications in photonics, optoelectronics, displays, biosensors, etc. involve covering large areas with periodic nanostructures. To complement serial EBL writings, this application note describes the combination of an electron beam lithography system and photolithography system to efficiently fabricate periodic nanostructures over large areas with high precision and high throughput.
Application Note: Photonic circuits for on-chip quantum optics (.pdf)
EBPG is utilized to develop an on-chip approach with integrated optics for quantum computing, facilitating secure communication and the simulation of complex systems.
Application Note: Metalens Fabrication (.pdf)
Algorithmic pattern preparation for metalens fabrication achieves high throughput, bypassing design layout conversion, ensuring precision.
EBPG Plus Series System Product Brochure (.pdf)
Application pattern
Low-noise and high throughput patterns
Our solutions
RAITH offers integrated solutions that increase performance and create market opportunities. In any production environment.
Digital RAITH
Mature software engineering for seamless integration, efficient task support, and user-friendly operation.
Mix and Match
Seamless blending of laser direct writing, ion beam, and electron beam technologies, unlocking new nanostructuring horizons.
By eliminating stitching errors, our solution guarantees optimal performance and reliability, driving breakthroughs.
Our customers are excited with their experiences using our products. They emphasize the precision, versatility, and reliability of our EBPG system series, highlighting how it has improved their approach to nanotechnology and advanced electronics manufacturing.