Micrograph Award Winners

RAITH Company Micrograph Award Winner Applications


Winner applications
SEm image of an achromatic metalens

1st place

'Achromatic metalenses through fine-tuning of the geometries of its structures'

Saliha Ouendi, Université de Lille / IEMN, France

Reference collaborators: Mélanie Brouillard / IEMN + Adelin Patoux / CRHEA + Yves Deblock / IEMN + Marc Faucher / IEMN
SEM image of an inverse-designed thermal energy harvester

2nd place

'Inverse Designed Thermal Energy Harvester'

Giuseppe Ramono, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA, USA

Reference collaborators: Marco Colangelo, Juan Ferrera, Yang Yu, Steven G. Johnson, Keith A. Nelson, Alexei Mazdev, Jude Deschamps
SEM image of a mie void structure for nanoplastic detection

3rd place

'Mie voids for nanoplastic detection '

Dominik Ludescher, University of Stuttgart, Germany
Honorable mention
SEM image of a hall bar with graphene superlattices
'Hall bar-shaped device with the three antidot lattices'

Juan Salvador Sanchez, University of Salamanca, Spain

Reference collaborators: Prof. Enrique Diez, Dr. Mario Amado, Dr. Vito Clericò, Prof. Francisco Adame, Dra. Elena Diaz
Art award
Silicon Nanocups arranged in a pattern creating a nanoscale reproduction of Pop-Artist Roy Lichtensteins painting Sinking Sun
'Recreation of Roy Lichtensteins 'Sinking Sun' by Silicon Nanocups!

Jelena Wohlwend, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
EM image of a nanoimprinted metalens
'Failed nanoimprinting attempt'

Vittorio Apolloni, Padua University, Italy
Macro Photograph of a plasmonic structure
'Colours of plasmonics!

Raphael Gherman, University of Sherbrooke, Canada


Winner applications

1st place

'Bio-inspired flat optics for directional 3D light imaging and ranging'

Clément Majorel, Université Côte d'Azur, France

2nd place

'Nanoscale Colour printing with visible resonant Mie voids'

Mario Hentschel, Universiy of Stuttgart, Germany
SEM image of Electrically controlled 1D semiconducting carbon nanotube emitter integrated between 2D nanographene electrodes coupled in cross-bar photonic crystal cavity

3rd place

'Photonic Integrated Circuit based on integration of semiconducting CNTs'

Anna Ovvyan, University of Münster, Germany
Honorable mention
SEM image of a wavelength addressable photonic memory
'Wavelength addressable photonic memory'

Akhil Varri, University of Münster, Germany
SEM image of a self assembled optical microresonator chain
'Self assembled optical microresonator chain'

Dr. Christian Niclaas Saggau, IFW Dresden, Germany
Art award
'Suspend YIG microdisk for quantum information transduction'

Dr. Seth Kurfman, Martin Luther University, Germany
SEM image of 3D grey scale lithography
'3D grey scale lithography: CoreFlower Illuminascapes'

Tadeas Hanus, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
SEM image of an high-density memory crossbar
'High-density memory crossbar'

Raphael Dawant, University of Sherbrooke
SEM image of an high-density memory crossbar
'Plasmonically enhanced uni-traveling carrier (UTC-PD)'

Rimjhim Chaudhary, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
SEM image of a NEMS device for single mode sensing applications
'NEMS device for single mode sensing applications'

Mohammed Alkhaled, Bilkent University, Turkey
SEM image of a FIB fabricated thermoelectrical device for thermal enery harvesting
'Thermal energy harvesting (thermoelectrics)'

Giuseppe Romano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, USA

Reference collaborators: Marco Colangelo, Steven G. Johnson, Yang Yu
Winner applications

1st place

'3D Surface in a multiple Material Stack by Grayscale Lithography'

Raphael Dawant, Univsersité de Sherbrooke, Canada

Reference collaborators: Dominique Drouin, Serge Ecoffey
SEM Image of a Optomechanical Crystal Nanobeam Cavities in Single Crystal Diamond

2nd place

'Optomechanical Crystal Nanobeam Cavities in Single Crystal Diamond'

Elham Zohari, University of Alberta, Canada

3rd place

'Capillary-assisted Particle Assembly of plasmonic Nanoantennas'

Benoit Desbiolles, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
Honorable mention
SEM image showing an HSQ Mask of a Sidewall Bragg Grating
'HSQ Mask of a Sidewall Bragg Grating'

Eugenio Di Gaetano, University of Glasgow, UK

Reference collaborators: Douglas Paul, Marc Sorel
SEM image showing Current-Constriction Engineering for analogue Gravity Experiments with Magnons
'Current-Constriction Engineering for analogue Gravity Experiments with Magnons'

Lorenzo Gnoatto, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
SEM image showing Hyperuniform Wall Network for Light Trapping in ultrathin Silicon
'Hyperuniform Wall Network for Light Trapping in ultrathin Silicon'

Alexander Lambertz, AMOLF / UvA Amsterdam

Reference collaborators: Nasim Tavakoli, Marian Florescu, Esther Alarcon-Llado
SEM Image of a torque sensor
'Deep Silicon Nitride Etching of Optomechanical Torque Sensor using Aluminum Hard Mask'

Matt Rudd, University of Alberta, Canada

Reference collaborators: Dr. John Davis, Dr. Paul Kim, Scott Agnew
Art award
SEM Image showing Multiple Quantum Well Nanopillars on n-GaN substrate
'Multiple Quantum Well Nanopillars on n-GaN substrate'

Navneet Kumar Thakur, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Winner applications

1st place

'Chaotic Holographic Lens'

Vijayakumar Anand, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
SEM image of a Full Electrostatic Control of Nanomechanical Buckling Device

2nd place

'Full Electrostatic Control of Nanomechanical Buckling Device'

Cenk Yanik, Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center, Turkey
SEM image of fluorescent 2D semiconductor nanoplatelets

3rd place

'Fluorescent 2D semiconductor nanoplatelets'

Mahdi Samadi Khoshkhoo, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
Honorable mention
SEM image of a Cross-bar Photonic crystal cavity
'Cross-bar Photonic crystal cavity with HSQ cladding on top of excitation and read-out grating coupler channels'

Anna Ovvyan, University of Münster, Germany
SEM image showing High-Mobility Free-Standing InSb Nanoflags Grown on InP Nanowire Stems for Quantum Devices
'High-Mobility Free-Standing InSb Nanoflags grown on InP Nanowire Stems for Quantum Devices'

Isha Verma, NEST - National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology, Italy
SEM image of a Charge carrier separation in InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dualshell based multifunctional device
'Charge carrier separation in InAs/InP/GaAsSb core-dualshell based multifunctional device'

Sedighe Salimian, NEST - National Enterprise for nanoScience and nanoTechnology, Italy
SEM image of a doubly-clamped beam NEMS device
'Doubly-clamped beam NEMS device'

Batuhan Emre Kaynak, Bilkent University,Turkey
SEM image of a All-dielectric Metasurface
'All-dielectric Metasurfaces'

Giulia Prone, IBM Research Zurich, Switzerland
Picture showing a blazed grating for augmented reality applications
'Blazed gratings for augmented reality application'

Marie-Aline Mattelin, Ghent University, Belgium
'Fluxonium-based Simulator'

Ilya Rodionov, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia
SEM image showing Freeform geometries in a MEMS accelerometer with a mechanical motion preamplifier based on a genetic algorithm
'Freeform geometries in a MEMS accelerometer with a mechanical motion preamplifier based on a genetic algorithm'

Chen Wang, KU University, Belgium
Winner applications

1st place

'Double-side membrane patterning in a single exposure'

Sergey Gorelick, Monash University, Australia

2nd place

'Waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detector device'

Martin Wolff, University of Münster, Germany
SEM image of a superconducting quantum interference proximity transisto

3rd place

'Superconducting quantum interference proximity transistor with multi tunnel junctions'

Nadia Ligato, NEST CNR-Nano, Italy
Art award
'Fall from grace'

Alex Drayton / University of York, United Kingdom
'Self-rolling beam tubes'

Rui Pinto / INESC MN, Portugal
'Individual plasmonic helix for probing light chirality'

Roland Salut (collaborators:Mengjia Wang, Miguel Angel Suarez, Huihui Lu, Nicolas Martin, Thierry Grosjean) / FEMTO-ST Institute, France
'Single-crystal diamond optomechanical cavities'

Matthew Mitchell / University of Calgary, Canada
Micrograph Award
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