New VOYAGER features deliver EBL at the push of a button

The well-known and field-approved electron beam lithography system VOYAGER has been enhanced by some very powerful features to simplify its operating ability and to deliver shortest time to result. VOYAGER continues to be a high-performance e-beam writer with innovative architecture, but now offers even more automation, efficiency, and ergonomics on top.

VOYAGER simplifies access to lithography

The new highly ergonomic human-machine interface ErgoFlow makes electron beam lithography accessible to everyone. The smart software workflow, which is available as a complement to the powerful standard NanoSuite, is combined with an automated exposure workflow to create a straightforward lithography exposure setup. A unique sample leveling system supports fully automated exposure and renders manual sample alignment and leveling on the holder completely redundant.

Screenshot of ErgoFlow software
ErgoFlow environment as efficient optional user interface

VOYAGER delivers shortest time to result

SEM image of a high-density grating
High-density grating exposed in shortest time: < 2 h/cm² in ZEP520A

VOYAGER now comes with fully integrated advanced routines for autoleveling, automatic WF calibration, and automated wafer exposures. Here, substrate height maps can be measured as reference for automatic focus correction during exposure or simply for determining wafer bow. In combination with the established eWrite technology and the possibility to automatically switch between different column modes, VOYAGER is now fully automated and takes care of all system adjustments and calibrations. With no need for manual user intervention, your sample turnaround is significantly enhanced.

VOYAGER provides smart features for application perfection

With its many powerful features, VOYAGER is suitable for a broad bandwidth of applications. However, it also offers solutions to further improve some specific applications in photonics, optics, and optoelectronics. Handling of extremely large design data sets – especially crucial for large-area metalens or AR/VR grating fabrication – is rendered obsolete by VOYAGER’s new exposure workflow algorithmixx. Cm-long tapered waveguides can now be fabricated with very low loss thanks to the stitching-error-free writing mode traxx. The pitch of large-area gratings for AR/VR applications or DFB laser can now be tuned in the 10 pm regime. VOYAGER’s smart application solutions not only make your work easier; your productivity will be enhanced and your device quality perfected!

SEM image of a several mm long tappered waveguide without stitching
Stitching-error-free high-performance tapered waveguides, several mm in length

The most ergonomic electron beam lithography system

With its well-proven system combined with many new smart features, VOYAGER is the perfect tool wherever straightforward access to electron beam lithography is needed in a multi-user facility – be it in an academic or industrial environment.

To find out more about this ultra-ergonomic EBL system, download the product brochure or get in touch with us.