Quantum computing


Quantum computing utilizes principles of quantum mechanics to perform computations. Unlike classical computers that use binary bits, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits, which can exist in multiple states simultaneously through superposition and entanglement. This enables quantum computers to process vast amounts of data and solve complex problems much faster than classical computers. Quantum computing holds promise for breakthroughs in cryptography, optimization, drug discovery, and other fields, although practical, large-scale implementation remains a challenge.

Superconducting quantum computing

Superconducting quantum computers use superconducting circuits to create and manipulate qubits. These qubits are typically made from Josephson junctions, which exhibit quantum behavior at extremely low temperatures. By applying microwave pulses and magnetic fields, superconducting qubits can be controlled and entangled, allowing for quantum computation. Quantum algorithms exploit these properties to solve complex problems more efficiently than classical computers. Research efforts in superconducting quantum computing focus on developing scalable architectures for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Cross-talk between qubits, environmental noise, and fabrication imperfections are among the factors that contribute to qubit decoherence and limit the performance of superconducting quantum processors. Despite these challenges, ongoing advancements in qubit coherence, gate fidelities, and system scalability continue to bring practical quantum computing closer to reality.
Metalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficien
150 nm gate in PMMA (bi-layer)
Freestanding multi-terminal graphene device M. Kühne, MPI Stuttgart, Germany

Photonic quantum computing

Photonic quantum computers use photons as qubits and are constructed using optical elements like beamsplitters, phase shifters, and detectors. Photonic qubits are less affected by decoherence, which makes them excellent candidates for building large-scale quantum systems. Additionally, their potential for high-speed computation is due to the speed of light. Photonic quantum computers can leverage integrated photonic circuits for compact and scalable architectures. However, generating and detecting single photons remains challenging, and photon loss poses a significant obstacle to achieving practical photonic quantum computers. Collaboration between academia, industry, and government agencies drives progress in photonic quantum computing, aiming to unlock its full potential for solving complex computational problems.
Metalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficien
150 nm gate in PMMA (bi-layer)
Freestanding multi-terminal graphene device M. Kühne, MPI Stuttgart, Germany
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Spin-based quantum computing

Spin-based quantum computers utilize the intrinsic angular momentum of particles, such as electrons or nuclei, as qubits for quantum computation. Qubits are encoded in the spin states of these particles, which can be manipulated using magnetic fields and microwave radiation. Spin qubits offer long coherence times, making them promising candidates for quantum computation. Spin-based quantum computers can benefit from well-established semiconductor fabrication techniques, enabling scalability and integration with existing technologies. Challenges include achieving high-fidelity control and readout of spin qubits, as well as minimizing interactions with the environment. Research efforts focus on improving coherence times, gate fidelities, and qubit connectivity to realize practical spin-based quantum computers.
Metalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficient formula based patterningMetalens structure using efficien
150 nm gate in PMMA (bi-layer)
Freestanding multi-terminal graphene device M. Kühne, MPI Stuttgart, Germany
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Topological qubits

Topological qubits are a type of qubit proposed for quantum computation, leveraging the topological properties of certain materials. Unlike traditional qubits, which are prone to errors from environmental disturbances, topological qubits are inherently robust against decoherence. This resilience arises from the non-local nature of their quantum information storage, encoded in the collective behavior of multiple particles. Majorana fermions, hypothetical particles that are their own antiparticles, are a promising candidate for realizing topological qubits. Experimental realization of topological qubits faces significant challenges, including precise control of nanoscale materials and isolation from environmental noise.
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